This room has a lot of unknowns in it.
How do we know such a space exists?
How do we know that it is not just a spatial schema created by the brain.
How do we know that it has not been thoroughly infiltrated by anything but a maze, so full of turns, jumps, climbs, and disappointments, since the beginning? We do not know.

We do not know what is in the void between us and the things of our human environment. We do not know what path lies beyond us, what is inside that which is not ourselves?
We do not know that we are following a true path, only that we have been moved along such a path.
We do know that the path is open to be traversed by any animal subject, whether it is a matter of a machine or a mere object.
We do know that this is a subject that has no connection with human intentions, since we can very well imagine that each and every one of our human sensations fills a little tube with a millionth of a drop of water, and this drop is driven through the air by the breeze like a balloon.