A large display of multi-colored glass blocks was set up in the middle of the room, and guests could gaze up at it with anything from gentle to vigorous headaches.
“Maybe it’s the dose,” I thought. “I never dose anyone.”
“It’s the ticket,” said the Doctor. “But I doubt very much whether it’s much more than the normal amount.”
“Oh hell no!” I cried. 'How can this job ever be done properly! How can the government force this insane thing to be sold to a person?”
“Well,” said the Doctor, stroking his beard and gazing thoughtfully at the ceiling, “there’s really no knowing what might happen to your head if you swallow just a tiny extra dose of this.'
“Drunkenness is no fun,” I said. “It’s loathed very much,” I went on. “Illegal highs like kites and cannons are all but unknown. Look here, Doctor, you take this little sip and you shall see the future.”
“Would you want to see the future?” said the doctor. “Good heavens, it’s even worse than drunkness!”